Thomas the Farty Engine is a series created with Trainz Railroad Simulator 2012, using custom content of the Thomas And
Friends characters, models and routes. Content, such as engines, rolling stock, buildings, routes, etc, are made by:
Sodor Island 3D
North West Railways 3D
The Jonateers
Sodor Workshops
Sodor Island Routes
The Sudrian Community
The Whistle Works
and More!
Voices for characters are done by me, trackmaniamatt, DaGrantsanator, RagingVenom45, and
Here are a few Behind the Scenes photos of our route for the series. NOTE: Route is sill a
It will be uploaded to Kirk Ronan Harbour Yards 3D once it's finished:
Here is a shot of the inside of Knapford Station on the "Thomas the Farty Engine" route.
Here is the Steam Team: Thomas, Edward, Henry, Gordon, James, Percy, Toby, and Emily. At Tidmouth Sheds, on the "Thomas the Farty Engine" route.